Making kickdown lever for carb

I'm working on hooking up a kickdown cable to a Stromberg WW carb. The car is a track roadster (build thread here) I'm building so that's why I'm using the kickdown cable versus the stock setup. Does this look like something that should work fine?

The yellow piece will be a 1/2" wide (not to scale on high-tech blueprint above) 1/8" thick steel. I will drill a hole at the top of the yellow piece to fit over the ball mount for the throttle cable. At the green dot i will drill through the yellow piece and the carb lever and add a rivet to hold it in place. The rivet will not interfere with anything behind the carb lever through it's full range of motion. I assume the distance from the pivot (blue dot) to the throttle cable ball and to the kickdown cable attachment (red dot) should be the same. I may have to clearance a little of the bottom of the throttle stop on the carb body that is just above the red dot.

Thanks for any help