David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Yeah I would not have sunk my time into that personally but these guys are going for a number not working to a budget, if they find 5 things which gain them 2hp then they're up 10hp. It would be a very expensive/time consuming 10hp but still helps them towards that number. If anything this whole thing might raise some interest in the hobby and those interested enough will learn that there are easier ways to wake a 318 up instead of trying to copy what they're doing.
Here's a revisit. It covers all the why's and why nots.
I think people are taking this build way to seriously, all in the name of a little chest puffing and authority stamping.
All this could'a, would'a, should'a, from the bleachers about this build is pointless and tediously boring to say the least.