Anyone been to Germany? Worth going?

So here's the deal. We have a god-daughter who is a Major in the Army, lives in Germany, not sure what town. She and her military husband, and kids live off base.
She has offered to buy our plane tickets to Germany, and we would be staying with them when there. Maybe a week, but probably two.

My wife is dead set on going, me not so much, but she wants an answer so plane tickets could be purchased.
I on the on the other hand, really have no desire to ever leave the U.S.A

She will be quite upset if I say NO, and she will go on her own, but she's already guilt tripping about making her navigate the airports and such by her self. She is 70 so ya know.

So i guess I need a little convincing, am I missing the opportunity of a life time by not going? Or any reasons to NOT go?
Our hosts are much younger and I expect they will want to be on the go all the time, showing us around, maybe visiting neighboring countries.
But at our ages 63 and 70, I think all this running around is going to be too much for us.

Nah, totally not worth going...

