Carter bbd
Was trying to figure why you were having trouble with hood clearance? You were saying you are doing a custom setup for a friend, maybe like putting a BBD on a Chrysler Mini Van or a VW Bug and can't shut the hood cause it's too tall.
Here is a shorter Progressive Carb 32/64 that they used on some of the earlier Chrysler 2.2 mini vans.
We did the same with the 2 bbl BBDs on performance VW Dune Buggies, then came across with the Progress 32/36 as a much better setup. Like the secondary barrel on the progressives, acts like kicking in the secondaries on a 4 bbl.
Electric choke is nice too. Here is an ebay item number if you want to look some more at the progressives:
Ebay # 255 871 836 778