70-71 fiberglass 340 air cleaner

I talked to my buddy last night. He didn't specifically remember the air cleaner, but he could remember the vendor pretty well. Unfortunately, could not come up with the name. "You remember Lobster. He would've been the guy." I do remember Lobster--quite a character. His shop had difficulty keeping up with demand, though. When my friend called to ask them if there was anything Y.O. could do to help them better keep to their production schedule, he was told, "Yeah... don't order so much!" :p

He said if the name came to him he'd let me know. It was one of those tip-of-the-tongue things where the more he thought about it, the more it stubbornly stayed away from the front of his mind. He was pretty sure Lobster was in GA. I'll post back if he comes up with it.