Lack Of Literacy Really Ticks Me Off

Too many people spell "to" instead of "TOO".
I went TO the store and the gas station TOO.
The car isn't for sell. It is for sale.
You don't sale the car, you sell it.
Breaks/brakes....yeah, that is a REAL hard one.
Truck floor?
Needs restored?
Did any of you dipshits actually pay attention in school?
We all are gracious enough to overlook a few typos but when you are fundamentally stupid, your spelling mistakes are really annoying to read.
There's a lot of people that use voice on their phone to post here. It will pick a lot of wrong words and we both know that proofreading isn't in the cards.
Along those lines, one long run-on sentence is a page turner for me. I see one of those and I'm outta here!