common courtesy

Reading the op, I was reminded of an incident that happened in my city transit bus driving days. I had a standing load on the bus, and was approaching a stop where I could see a person in a wheelchair. As I was pulling in, I announced over the p.a. that the area in front of the bus would need to be cleared to allow the wheelchair passenger access. Those in the area were very cooperative and made space, also lifting the folding seats. So far, so good. As the front door opened and I was lowering the bus and extending the ramp, one asshole teenaged female hurdled over the now almost 3 ft high ramp as it unfolded, nearly landing on me. I was livid, told her to get the hell out and wait until the wheelchair passenger was on board before she came back.
She looked at me, made some sarcastic remark, and attempted to make her way to a seat. Two other passengers blocked her way, and made it clear that they were not going to allow her to go through them. She did step out finally and allowed the wheelchair in, then bitched about how crowded the bus was.
I sure don't miss those days or the assholes like her.