David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

ndI just rewatched Tony announce this build and he starts off with a rant about ones with money win, then goes on about his mustang days before the aftermarket began for them, his basic message was you need to set goals with self imposed limitations, to give yourself challenges that a credit card can't fix kind of like 318willrun does with his builds, don't know where some got this is suppose to be some budget build for the everyman can follow, it's the basic concept of self imposed limitations to make a goal slightly out of reach/hard was the point. This build is Kind of a call back a time before there an aftermarket like hot rodding in the 40's.
And uncle phony cant even assemble a basically stock 318 and have it survive break in. Hes one of the biggest frauds on YT, and honestly, anyone who follows that channel and thinks they are learning anything are literally to stupid to teach.