David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

I’m all for you to express your opinion, even though you have the freedom to do so there is a time and place, like I think /6 performance wise is the worst engine to build and be much better off with even a 273, but I don’t go in their threads to tell them so that’s their thing and me endlessly saying their wrong would be more like harassment if someone is debating if they should go /6 or then fine I’ll throw in my 2 cents.

Everyone already knows from multiple threads you guys don’t like Tony and this project what more do you need to say?

Start a thread debating the merit’s of this build and trash it all you want including Tony and his viewer’s.
Everyone already questioned the merit and stated why. The come backs were taunting , some nonsensical gibberish..followed by non answers from a few. Disliking utg has no bearing on the methods and ways of this build. It would have only been more entertaining when it blew apart or didnt run at all after he glued it togther with boogers and duct tape.
Glad people enjoy the series MI318, watch on and enjoy. We can comment and not have to address/quote each other and start arguing all the time...unless you want to argue and you dont want people to reply...then well.. forums arent for you maybe.