Just wanted to THANK EVERYONE!!!!!!!

We’re still thinking and praying for you.
THANK YOU SIR! There's definitely a housing crisis here... I've been hearing it, for a few years, but it never affected me, until I lost my home due to being sick. Now I'm seeing both barrels of that thing face me in the face! And it's not only pricing which is insanity and availability which is not happening there's also a scumbags out there they're all reading from the same book they say "oh so you want to rent my property? how many people? I am looking for a good family to rent my property" if the Good Lord didn't give me any smarts, I'd be out about two grand in application fees, for property people don't own! Here's the hint most of them don't speak English very well they sound like they're from Jamaica or Nigeria or something and they cannot type English or use Correct punctuation. Only reason I'm saying this is cuz I hope you guys don't know anyone in your family or extended families have to deal with this crap but then they'll tell you they do not want to give you the address of the property until you send the application fee to their PayPal or something else never a personal bank account never send any money to anybody unless you meet him up front face to face look at the house and shake your hand I work with Realtors I'm a carpenter I have been since 1989 everybody I've talked to says all these people are Crooks but I smelled it first Thank God!