67-9 Dart/Barracuda Console mounted tach base

I’ve been looking and looking for a base for a 68 console mounted tachometer. I am possibly thinking about talking to a machinist in the area about trying to make a couple. Just gauging interest. We figure possibly making them out of aluminum and machining them just like original. Or possibly just also machining them out of aluminum but not following them out like original. Would anybody be interested if I can get them at a fair price point?

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I have been looking for this part as well. In my searching I think I have discovered that 67, 68 might be different than 69 ?? Why I think this is because 67, 68 console has a trough or strip (not sure what to call it) running down the full length in the centre of the console. The spacer has two locators (nubs or bumps) on the bottom that sit in this trough. 69 console is smooth or flat which doesn't allow this piece to sit flush. It will rock back and forth. Now maybe my only choice would be to file the nubs off. Any thoughts ????