David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Interesting take I have not heard before:

David Vizard likes to champher and polish the bottom corner of the cylinder bore to allow air to move more smoothly into the empty cylinder when the piston goes to the top. He was saying there is air going in and out of there on the bottom of that bore.

With that being said I wonder if that top small end of the rod he polished round has anything to do with the air flowing up and over it, creating less drag for the air to move.

Probably more of a race application, but wonder if this actually proves true. High rpm engines like 7000 rpm probably helps.

Thoughts ???

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Fun to think about . . .
There's things that give you easy hp and or decent $$$ and labour to achieve, then there's all those little things that can add up but offer little hp gains for cost $$$ and or labour. Generally unless your in a highly competitive class and or a class that's restrictive in what you can do, most go for the easy power. Heads cam cr power adders etc..