340 Vs 360

Static displacement is, but were dealing with a running engines so I'm talking Dynamic displacement, what an engine displaces every minute.

Fuel and it's volume of air has a potential energy an engine only gonna use a % of that potential energy to make hp.

What is displacement in our case, but volume/weight of air, the engine measure displacement x ve% moves that much air per revolution, more revolution more air being displaced eg.. A 360 moves 0.104 cfm (cfm = volume of air per minute or a displacement of air per minute) per revolution more revolutions more displacement. A 360 @ 5000 rpm = 521 cfm a 360 @ 6000 rpm = 625 cfm at 100% VE. A 340 @ 5316 rpm = 521 cfm a 340 @ 6378 rpm = 625 cfm same dynamic displacement and yes sure you also spin the 360 more to.

I guess, makes perfect sense to me :)
Soooooooo much better. Now if everyone reading the prior post understood the basic idea of the second post it would make so much more sense than it does over the first post.

Now as long as the engine(s) are as efficient (VE) as hoped for…..