Leaving Facebook..

I abruptly bailed on Facebook a little over two years ago, right when I was "finishing" my Valiant (the first time). It was right after the election. I didn't annouce it or tell anyone. It was a hiatus that became permanent. I think my last post was about the car.
I got tired of watching people who'd been friends of 40+ years become enemies over something as silly as politics (especially since I'd never heard any of 'em talk politics in person). Even though I didn't partake in such nonsense, it was upsetting to watch. I don't care how you vote, even if we vote identically. I've never once made a friend due to politics.
I bored of the façades of "perfect marriages" and "perfect families" when in the physical world all I hear is complaining. You're married. You fight now and again. Kids can be *****. We get it. Teenage drama is more credible than your Ozzie & Harriet BS.
I never found a Mopar group I could stand for more than a week. So many idiots. So little moderation. I was probably in a total of 35 of 'em, but never more than a few at one time.
I have logged back in a couple of times. I didn't look at my newsfeed or browse or do anything at all. I have a browser extension that, among other things, tells me who's ditched me. It's the first thing that pops up upon login. Not a single person that deleted me has ever made any effort to check in on me, ask how to keep in touch--nothing. Those who had my number have never called. Obviously my presence in their life wasn't as important as insinuated. I looked at the list, found myself unaffected by it, and logged back out.

I sleep better since quitting and I'm a happier person overall. The explosive growth of Marketplace is not enough to suck me back into Fakebook.