Another converter thread

Considering there are converters out there that cost 5K plus, it's a good deal.
I would go a little bit more than what they recommend, but you may feel uncomfortbale with that. I look at the camshaft's duration. That camshaft you have will be pouring it on in the 3500-3800 range. I think that would be all over it. Even still, what they recommended is way better than a 2400.

I agree the OP could run a little higher if he was being greedy! Originally with my stroker I was running an Isky 280 Mega w/3.73 gear, a dual plane with similar weight as the OP. Lenny at Ultimate spec’d me a 3800-4000” 9.5” tight. I was quoted iirc $950 (late 2017) which was the real deal killer. Just couldn’t do it. Something in the $600-$800 range is easily doable still these days from what I’ve seen.