I need to get the Dirtbikes out in 2023- opinions on mentoring a kid who doesn't get the opportunity to ride

ok, question number 1, does this someone have any experience with riding?
does he know how to shift?

there was a time i would ride all the time and i always had what i referred to as a "buddy bike"

the only downside was that think was a typical 2 stroke... no easing into what so ever

now, i got the wife a lil TTR like the one you got there and if i had to pic a bike for a beginner, that would be it
(and we all know, 4 strokes arent real dirtbikes, so its nice and smooth)

the seat height of the TTR is also darn near a foot lower then the other buddy bike i have, and that means anyone can get on it and not tip over

(i took one guy with me once and he was too short to keep the bike up and and get going, so each time he wiped out he had to find a berm to climb on to get going again)

so in short, if this is their first time out, find an open field for them to first learn how to ride
and then just take it easy, let them lead and set the pace, if they are comfortable with it