Degreeing a Cam Shaft

So the method you describe is the centerline method, the method I am using is the duration at .050” lift.

Wouldn’t it be easier/more accurate to do the duration at .050 since you would be able to see when the cam hits and leaves the .050” mark easier as opposed to the centerline method where it could be at max lift for more than 2 degrees of rotation?

The videos I have seen (like the one you posted) really don’t go into where to find the centerline of the lobe. Just that it’s at max lift, but they don’t address how it’s at max lift for more than one degree. And being that it is at max lift for more than one degree, I don’t see how you can find the true centerline. Unless I am missing something?

The reason I don’t do the .050 lifter rise timing is because 1) There are way too many variables that affect it. Lifter bank angle variations is a big one and 2) You can have 10 lobes with the exact same .050 lifter rise and all of them will have different intake center lines.

IMO where that valve is relative to the piston at max lift if far more critical than where the valve is at .050 lifter rise (which is .075 valve opening with a 1.5 rocker and .080 at the valve with 1.6 rockers).