Cat Pics

I had a big stripe young male tabby maybe 6 months old show up a week or so ago, he'd come up on the porch and devour the food and sleep in the bed outside at night, yesterday I noticed he was missing an eye (recently) and wasn't doing well. A few hours ago my wife and I went out and checked on him since he was in the bed outside and he is all kinds of messed up, possible broken lower jaw or dislocated hopefully and his head is swollen so We took him to the ER vet clinic a couple hours ago and they said just bring him back in the morning. We're praying this little guy will make it till tomorrow and not get too bad, it's going to cost money to fix him up so we decided we'll give him a great life from now on.
I'll post some pictures of him tomorrow.
He will be our 6th cat that has just showed up and wanted to be loved.
He'll get that, hopefully our other cats will accept him too.