Stop in for a cup of coffee

Take two to three squirrels (depends on how big crock pot is) skin em, remove head, tail and feet. Dump chicken broth in crock pot. Cut critters in half just above hips. Add some garlic onion and pepper. Slow cook in crockpot until meat easily falls off the bone. Then drain crockpot filtering all shot,bone and extraneous material from broth. Debone squirrel by hand being ever diligent looking for small bones. Then you can either reuse strained broth (depends on your palette)or use new chicken broth back into MT crock pot. Add meat and veggies potatoes onions rice beans whatever you like for fixins. A easy win is Zatarans jambalaya mix. Add whatever you like and cook till veggies rice or taters are done to your satisfaction. I make a pot every time I teach Hunters Ed classes.
Cheryl just said just to be safe she ain't eating nothing out of the crockpot when she comes to visit. :rofl::rofl: