Fitting a 26 inch radiator?
Thanks! Pics would be greatly appreciated!
Still looking! I know I already did this sometime.
Anyway, there are like 3 different radiators. There was an 18" radiator that only came with the slant 6's, a 22" radiator that came with V8's and AC slant six's, and the 26" radiator that came out for the 73+ V8 AC cars. I'm pretty sure there's only two different radiator support openings, the 18" and 22" had the same size opening and probably used the same mounts with a wider flange like
@MopaR&D described. The 26" radiator has a wider opening and wider mounts. The opening for the 22" radiators was like 22 1/2", I don't think the opening for the 26" radiator was a full 26". The stock mounts on my '74 Duster are 24-1/8" center to center, it had a 22" originally. The mounts for the 26" radiator in it now are 28" apart, and they were located from an OE 26" radiator from a '74 Dart.
I'll keep looking for the pictures.