Slant 6 MPG Upgrades?

what are you willing to invest?

lest say you go from averaging 20 to 25
and lets say you driver 25 miles to work

now, you are putting 250 miles per week on the dart, thats 14000 miles per year
at 20 MPG that is 700 gallons
at 25 MPG that is 560 gallons

so you'd be saving 140 gallons per year
lets say it runs about 3.50 a gallon, thats $490.00

that $490 would be what we call "return on investment"

what does aussie speed want for their services ? one years of savings?
a new pump and lines, thats another year
add a fitech, and sparker, another two years

see where im going with this?

im not trying to rain on your parade, but if it were me, id spend that disposable income on fuel...or boost
boost might be the best way to go to increase your MPGs aswell