What is, or would be your cb handle?

Back in 81-82, I made a cannon ball run between Skyland, NC and Clarkesville, TN every other weekend in my 70 Challenger 340. The national speed limit was still 55 mph, but I set the cruise on 80 and sent it! I had a CB in my car with a trunk mounted magnetic antenna. I mostly just listened at first until the truckers noticed that I was a regular and got to hollerin at me. They found out I was a lineman at the power company making runs to see my girlfriend at Austin Peay State University, so they named me "Pole Climber". It was a fun time for sure, and the truckers had my back just like I did theirs. I never got a ticket that entire year of running at least 25 mph over the speed limit, and TN State Troopers ain't no joke either. One turned around on me one Friday night when I was westbound on I-40, between Crossville and Cookeville, TN. It was dark and he didn't see what I was driving. When I saw him head into the median, I ran it up to about 130 for a few miles and when I was far enough ahead and rounded a curve, I pulled over and stopped, cut the car and lights off and hung a white rag in the window and slid down in the seat. He blew by at well over 100, and ain't seen me yet! One of my truckin buddies went by as I was firing back up and getting the rag back out of the window and I hear....'Pole Climber! You ok on the side?" I said "Yep....tan bear about got me....had to stop and play dead!" I haven't used my radio in years, but still have it.
