buying a car out of state
It appears to be a pretty clean car overall. However, dude sells a lot of cars. Good feedback? Yes, definitely... but he sure moves a lot of his "collection" so to speak.
It's clearly been at least partially repainted, although I'd wager the exterior is probably a 30+ year-old repaint. The fender Pentastar was not masked, and the texture of the paint indicates it may have done with a broom. Something's wonky at the bottom of the RH fender, and possibly the front of the LH rocker. The dash pad and steering wheel are smote. There are other minor issues visible, like the RH door panel, glove box door and missing radio knob. That's just from interweb photos; what can't we see? Some of these involve real expense to repair. To me $15K seems like "all the money" on this one, i.e. you're paying top dollar on a not-quite-top car. You wouldn't necessarily be upside-down, but you wouldn't profit from it either should you need to sell. Admittedly, I'm not real hip on early A prices.
I think it would be well worth the money to have a pro look at it, if you're not able to find a nearby board member who knows specific areas of attention on those cars.