Same old FABO

Not sure if it was me... but that other old guy is pretty sharp. Cranky, but sharp. LOL Kind of describes me sometimes too.
All y'all here, including Rob, helped me move my car forward, real fast! in 2020 I went from having a car (and it didn't run)to having a car that ran and drove, in 6 months and did it out in the yard in the Florida heat in Bay Area rainy season! I'm just a carpenter man and I hate doing things twice so I tend to second-guess myself a lot so having professional opinions from everybody around here is a big deal! I can't remember who gave me your method of doing a towing job but it was your method they gave you credit for it! Homemade tremble bar two 4x4s and two two by three straight as an arrow stacked up the right underneath the wheel hub as high as you can get where you can measure from the front and then the back side of it! I just so happen to have a brand new tape measure so me and the old lady got out there I instructed her to push that stuff tight to the wheel (she's kind of a carpenter's Apprentice, And a Master 3rd Gen painter too) I also taught her to hold the dumb end with her finger so you can pull that 16th of an inch slack out.... we set it at 1/16" in on the front.... anyway, just giving credit and thanks, where credit and thanks are due Brother!
