Eagle Forged Stroker Crank CRACKED

Not sure if you really meant directly from Eagle or just meant cannot get them directly from ARP. I was able to order the Eagle part number from Summit racing. This is probably the same thing you were saying, but just in case.
Eagle Specialty Products EAG20000 Eagle ARP Connecting Rod Bolts | Summit Racing
At the time I called arp, they directed me to eagle and told me it is not an off the shelf bolt. It is eagles design. I called directly to eagle for bolts. Perhaps they are available at JEGS and summit. I just wanted to share my experience and point out that eagle uses their own custom bolt just like molar and the others and that the machining issues afaik are a thing of the past. Oh and I run a fluidamper. Also I noticed on the Summit website it says those bolts are a special order, as in well order them from eagle.