FAST Wireless Air/Fuel Meter Kit

Quick update. I bought the wireless sensor kit. My plan is to have this as an external tool that I will use during carburetor tuning and calibration. And of course, I can take this mobile for drag racing or to help friends.

The initial testing was pretty informative, I need to tweak a few things before getting into tuning. From my phone, I am able to see AFR readings from both banks of exhaust and RPM simultaneously. This is also graphed out on the display. The downside, this is only real-time with no option for historical.

1st up sensor mounting. There are some options available and to be honest, overpriced.
Instead, I picked up some exhaust pipe sections and will build my own for a fraction of the cost.

Next, I ordered a data logger which will allow me to capture the information on a laptop to review. Hopefully, I will be able to spot different transitions in the carb as I move through different RPMs