USPS Suspends Delivery to Six States

The roads in N. CA and all S. Oregon have been treacherous this week due to nighttime temps going into the 20s and daytime exceeding 32. Add snow to that black ice and the wreck is on. I have worked through extreme weather traveling up and down I-5 and it's tributaries for years and the only thing you can do is chain up and be patient. 25mph is crawling but you will get there. I once towed a Tucker Snocat 9 hours from McCloud, CA to just outside Hallelujah Junction on 395 at the CA/NV state line. It was slow and driving that far chained up on all 8 at 25-30mph was brutal. The only solution is to crank the music, savor your hot coffee and enjoy the storm.

In contrast to my experience, you would be shocked at how unprepared some folks will be traveling into the rural/mountainous areas. T shirt, flip flops and no I dont know how to put chains on my 18 wheel automatic transmission equipped semi lol

As with any experience in life, people with no interest in their own well being will kill your good time in a hurry.

In this case they are holding up our car parts!