USPS Suspends Delivery to Six States

What happened to:

"Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds"
Those words are part of a poem that was written before there were actual letter carriers. At the time it applied to the couriers that moved mail from one office to another.
It was never an offical motto or directive.
There was a point in time, and it actually still exists, that if you wanted your mail, you would have to go to a post office and get it.
Hard times required hard men.... Today we have more alphabet soup characters than serious people... But you knew that Msgt..

Having said all of that, I carried mail in two separate blizzards, several feet of snow, pouring down rain, freezing cold, 100°+ temps, and in the dark more times than I care for.
I did that 12-15 miles a day, double satchel and used relay boxes.
The fact that people feel it's okay for a person to risk their lives in dangerous weather, and now a criminal element, so they get their junk mail or **** from Amazon, just demonstrates how entitled people have become.