Stop in for a cup of coffee

Nearly 20 years ago. We came home late one evening. The youngest was tired and was working to get her to bed. One of the older kids was not feeling well and was working to get him comfortable. The oldest daughter was also helping with this effort. The 3rd in line. My 6 year old son was bored and restless. I gave him the remote control and told him to watch some TV. We just got cable TV which included HBO and ShowTime. I forgot it was after 11:00. He came back out after 10 min with his usual discussed look on his face saying there is nothing on TV. I said "What do you mean? There are over 60 channels?" He said "All that's on is news and Slobering on boobs!' I knew right away what he was talking about. And that's how a 6 year old boy describe seeing cable soft ****.

To this day we describe all adult content as "Slobbering on boobs" in recognition of his first description.