Taxes 2 Questions

To the moderators, while my intent was not to be political....should this be under N&P?

How did your taxes turn out this year compared to previous years?

My tax situation is relatively simple. No minor children, Mortgage, 401k and SS disability, so basically, standard deduction. In previous years i have owed. I have been trying to offset the tax liability by increasing my contribution to the 401k. I recently moved into a city who uses RITA. Now with all the hype about the addition of IRS agents and switching to an HSA I went to a professional this year to have my taxes done. In previous years i owed the feds around $300. This year $1300.

When i asked what happened, H&R Block said the tax scale changed, they took less money out this year. So I have changed my w-4 to single filing separate from married filing jointly.
I'll keep an eye on it and watch for political comments.