Stop in for a cup of coffee

Had to break down and clean the shop, one of my good buddies from Fargo is flying down tomorrow for the weekend. We are going to a Bear hunting symposium weekend event. Long night last night. Police found my Boys truck that got stole quite some time ago. It was at a meth heads shop. Sheriff Deputy was waiting for us when we got there, I know him so that helped! Anyway shop owner was tuned up and yammering at about 90mph. We rolled in and he explained he had not seen the truck there till yesterday. Not ten minutes later he explained it had been there since before Xmas! The guy that brought it in had no idea it was stolen. But he had no plate, title or registration and was trying to sell it. Shop owner was just doing his buddy a favor and letting him store it there! Steering column was trashed and a huge gaping hole where ignition switch used to be. Looked like they used a dremel to get in to it. No way that could be a sign? Cats and under side was all cut up and anything of value was gone including drive line and transfer case. Rear end was locked up and steering was locked in a hard left turn. We were going to load it on the trailer but Boy decided to just tow it to salvage. It is a 2001, motor seized dash completely gone and ripped out, it was really bad. Apologies for long winded post just ranting. Thieves suck.