Dan the Man cars ?

I hope Dan finds the car he wants and can afford.
I often dont get what he writes but I fail to see the need to humiliate anyone by starting a thread about them either
Ignore him if he bothers you that much would be the thing to do
If you're referring to me starting this I posted 2 viable cars. Unfortunately I did not realize the need for AC.

I traveled 800 miles round-trip to look at a S10 4x4 pickup I thought was a deal. Don't remember the price of gas in '11 but in my K5 it cost. 50 miles from home I had to make a move at bottom of The Grapvine and there was the CHP with the dreaded radar gun. Took him about a mile and a half to catch up even after I had backed off. Over $ 450 for 82 in a 65 zone.

Hard for me to take The Man seriously. He should post exactly what optiions he would check on the dealer order and MAYBE a member can find it IF it's not too far away OR too much money.