Alex from Bulgaria

Welcome aboard, 500 HP on the Dart platform is more than respectable And a whole lot of fun. Plus the benefit at 500 HP the motor is very reliable. Once you build past that it becomes very expensive and the parts become quite critical in how they interact with each other to achieve your HP goal of 1000. Keep in mind that with that kind of HP you will likely need a multitude of body modifications to pass tech at your local tracks. There is a large racers forum on here and most guys on here are a wealth of information, just a great place to learn and ask questions. Good luck and at some point someone is going to tell you pictures or it didn’t happen! They will want to see pictures of your Dart!

Thank you, Sublime! "Wealth of knowledge" is what I was really hoping to find here!
I know it's a massive stretch goal for someone as incompetent as me, but I'm willing to take the challenge - one step at a time.
I've retired at 44 because I've been following 2 simple principles:
* Don't give up because it looks impossible
* LISTEN to what people that know more have to say

Learning is more valuable than achieving that goal ;)
Looking at the the warm welcome so far, I'm really optimistic and excited about the community here!