Dan the Man cars ?

If you're referring to me starting this I posted 2 viable cars. Unfortunately I did not realize the need for AC.

I traveled 800 miles round-trip to look at a S10 4x4 pickup I thought was a deal. Don't remember the price of gas in '11 but in my K5 it cost. 50 miles from home I had to make a move at bottom of The Grapvine and there was the CHP with the dreaded radar gun. Took him about a mile and a half to catch up even after I had backed off. Over $ 450 for 82 in a 65 zone.

Hard for me to take The Man seriously. He should post exactly what optiions he would check on the dealer order and MAYBE a member can find it IF it's not too far away OR too much money.
Nice that you took the time to tell him about those cars
We might agree that for what he wants and what he wants to spend a car not having AC is just a excuse
We also might agree that a classic or vintage AC unit is reasonably priced and not hard to install
I find Dan to be contradictory and yes maybe he is pulling some members chain
Who knows anybody real story on a internet car forum
Anybody can create anything they want to be but I still don’t see the need to humiliate the guy
I wrote him a heartfelt reply on a thread about just not jerking anyone off about wanting to buy a classic car on that particular car forum
Told him how I recently considered a C2 Corvette
How I even joined a Corvette forum for advise
Told him be up front, now I’m sure it went in one ear and out the other but I tried to help like you did
Bottom line is I hope he gets to make the car he’d like a reality