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Friend of mine was a commercial diver working at Diablo Canyon Nuke plant. We had a particularly bad winter one year and the tides and breakers pretty much destroyed the breakwater around the cooling water intakes and they had to be rebuilt. Like RIGHT NOW had to be rebuilt. 3-5 ton rock is not the easiest aggregate to find or mine, big $$. Figgers, do less to the rock process wise and charge more for it :lol: . Contractor was using a 75t crane to retrieve the rock from the ocean bed drag it up and place it with a dozer. One of the dozer hand's duties was to pry the Abalones off these rocks and pitch them back in the sea. Abalone is big money in the fish markets. Dozer operator keeps a stash of Abalone sized rocks on his tractor. When he finds an Ab on a rock he pries it off and throws a rock into the sea and throws the Ab into his tractor :lol:. My diver buddy got 5 Abalones per week as hush money :rofl: