Step 1: Admit that your plan is 'tarded.
Step 2: Take the rear springs off. It's easy. You don't even have to pull the axle. Just a jack and stands at a minimum.
Step 3: Steal another car and take your springs to a leaf spring shop.
Step 4: Tell the leaf spring shop you're a recovering 'tard and need to increase the rear ride height by "X" amount of inches.
Step 5: Drink Mountain Dew while spring shop does their thing.
Step 6: Go home, turn back the clock, reinstall newly modified springs.
Step 6a: Ditch stolen car. It was probably a Kia anyway.
Step 7: Pull retarded pickup shocks, install proper shocks, possibly longer ones depending on "X" from Step 4.
Step 8: Realize that height and load are controlled by springs, not shocks. Shocks are damping only.
1977 called, and they want their ignorant air shocks returned to them.