WTF does a Surveyor do ?

My SSDI Ivestigator called this morning and although I sent 18 pages of employment history and description she's asking the same questions i couldn't quantify on paper. Do you walk, stand, sit, crawl, kneel, stoop, crouch, climb ladders etc. How many hours do you do this a day ?

Looks like I'll be busy over the weekend trying not to explode as I asked to call her back next week. I would rather not have retired early for just this reason. Unfortunately COPD has rendered me about useless so . . .

Anybody out there know any Surveyors and WTF we do ?

I've done darn near all aspects of the biz and most of that in the field. I can probably Google you where I picked up a tick that buried himself on the main Vein from where it hangs