More Cats

Sadly we had to put our newest little guy, Cupid down Wednesday night.

Sunday he was lethargic, only getting off the couch next to me to eat and use the box. 103 fever.
Friendly and purry, though.
Monday was the same, but no fever.
Tuesday he was a little better, but the fever came back. He got up and played some. Tried to call vet but no answer and no returned call.
Wednesday we finally got hold of the vet and after several tests, they found fluid in his abdomen and he had a 105 fever.
Test came beck feline leukemia positive.
No choice, really.
He purred and padded dough right up till the end.

His half brother, Romeo looked around for him a couple of times when we got home and even ran up the cat tree and turned around, expecting Cupid to follow.

Rest in peace my little friend. You had a very short but good run with lots of love both given and received.

Man that hurts. Sorry