Stop in for a cup of coffee

Making slow progress on downstairs bathroom. Got some lath pieces back on the block where I removed moldy sheet rock after wall leaked (a while ago, lol). Cleaned out the baseboard heater coil. Was not happy to see the shower still dripping yesterday. . Hoping its just the new valves not seated good yet. Trying to find a cheap replacement top for the vanity. The sink and cabinet are good. Tough to find a cheap top. Most vanities are made with sink and top as one now. Looked at laminate counter with front and backsplash formed. Can cut to any length, but they are too deep, made for kitchen... Plus they want $100 for a 4ft piece now. Double what it was just a couple years ago. :wtf: then you have to buy side splash etc... I'm going to watch MP and CL for a whole used vanity... Just need clean and functional downstairs. Not paying what I did for the new one upstairs. :eek: