WTF does a Surveyor do ?

Yeah, cases like your wife take precedent over most everything else and they move to the top of the list to get done.

And that’s exactly how it should be.

It took 32 months to get mine because I didn’t start with a lawyer, and my first lawyer was a joke.

The administrative law judge at my hearing apologized several times for the system screwing me around like that.

My hearing took less than 15 minutes and I was out of there. I also had a couple of thousand pages of documentation of what was wrong, so that helped. But 32 months was crazy.
32 months ouch . . . I received 1st SS payment last month. It's my understanding that IF you are awarded the disability claim SS pays backpay so to speak.
Let the Attorney search and calls/emails begin. Well worth the money deserved and time saved etc.
Thanks !