WTF does a Surveyor do ?

I used an advocate that my disability insurer recommended only took 4 months to get approved for rheumatoid arthritis because you can prove it with a blood test. When you purchase short- and long-term disability insurance the thing they don't tell you is when you go on long term disability, they require you to apply for SSDI.
100 percent correct about disability insurance, exactly what happened with us. After my wife went through all her sick and vacation time, the disability policy she purchased through her job kicked in. The insurance rep would call requesting medical reports which I submitted and all went reasonable well for about a year, then they started wanted more detailed reports. In between surgeries and chemo would be seeing the oncologist about every 3 months but those reports were supposedly not enough
Since my wife made me able to handle her medical issues as required by HIPPA, it was me dealing with this insurance company and I finally told the rep she would get a report when we visited the doctor and not before and four reports a year was enough ( they the insurance company wanted more)
Shortly after that they told us we were required to file for SSDI, if she refused she would loose her disability policy
If she lost her case she would still retain her disability payments and if she won her payments would be reduced because of her receiving SSDI
32 months ouch . . . I received 1st SS payment last month. It's my understanding that IF you are awarded the disability claim SS pays backpay so to speak.
Let the Attorney search and calls/emails begin. Well worth the money deserved and time saved etc.
Thanks !
My wife got a back check from SSDI from when she first applied for SS
The insurance company that provided her with a disability policy required her to return that check to them as now that she was on SSDI they (insurance company) would be giving her less money per month