Mopar P4532900 head info needed

Thanks! Charlie never had a set on his bench. So he invited the heads to it. We’ll also bolt on a Chink AG and a carb to see what happens.

I’ll be using the OEM Magnum head on a 5.9 and a small Howard’s Hyd cam @ 220@050. The other 5.9 is making use of an old Crane Hyd cam @ 236@050. I’m just screwing some crap together on a temp basis for fun until the LA’s are done.
Better low mid numbers than the j heads on about every flow bench in existence...but the j heads peak a hair higher. It's no mystery. 150cc vs 160cc.
Charlie is Ford's but he found a bigger audience with the 273 318 crowd. If you're the one holding the camera, aim it at the flow com so we can see the numbers and not at the had an intake bolted to it. LOL