Mission Creep on a D-150

is the distributors mechanical advance working right? whats initial timing? tottle timing? and when dose it come in at??? you degree cam? how you go about it? have you checked timing mark with TDC???

Yes, the dist mechanical advance is working. Initial timing was set at 14*, but with insufficient vacuum the VAC doesn't do anything. The mech advance starts coming on at about 1100-1200 RPM. I did degree the cam but perhaps I goofed that up. The timing mark on the damper is dead on for TDC.

Agree it could be cam timing, but check the easy stuff first.
*Spark plug wire order
*Ignition timing
*Has the outer ring on the damper slipped?
*If you changed timing covers, the location of the timing tab on the cover has moved over the years. Setting ignition timing with the wrong cover will advance or retard the ignition timing.

Spark plug wires are in the right spots. Timing is addressed above. The damper has not slipped, and the timing cover is the original one for the engine.

I have another thread going on this, here's the link to try to keep all the info in one place. Where is my compression and vacuum??