
Sorry to hear such news.

But at age 75 I see class
mates and friends pass pretty regularily I hate to say.
Wife said a friend and neighbor passed just yesterday that fought prostrate cancer for 30 years, died of pneumonia. He was 69.

I had been diagoised with mild prostate cancer like 10-12 years ago. I go to a urologist every 6 months.
My take is no one is ready go go, unless life becomes unbearable. But, death is part of the cirle of life, just as being born and living is also.

My youngest daughter is 45. She has Chrones Disead=se and had her entire colon remved about 15 years ago. I cry every day thinkng of her. She has 4 kids, 2 still at home, works 40 hours a week, looks like a model. Single parent. Her words from years ago still are embedded in my brain "Dad, I have acceptable quality of life. If I did not, then I would feel........"