David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

Hysteric is so lacking in his ability to do this that he seriously believes this guy Charlie is the only one can do it. ..and btw
, just like the block... heads are externally the same size dimensionally and "teeny tiny" is only relevant to hysterics scope of interest. I have not a third of the work that Charlie has into that head to flow to 230s with a valve that's a hair smaller. Big whoop who cares. I'm not even interested enough to spend my time doing this. I did it with a better head '915' long ago. 240 cfm is just not exciting after 3 months of work. I can get that with almost no work with magnum and you nor anyone else would see a lick of diff on the dyno or track... they even cc out the same. Delusional audience and an illusion game by some bored has beens trying to stay relevant seems to be overly exciting to aussie who hates everything hes not into..
The jealous accusations are hilarious too because it's simply a projection of how jealous shyster and blight or of those with the knowledge and tools to accomplish such "teenie tiny" feat...while all they can do is cheerlead and sling mud.
Stock 2.02 j head is 155cc=228 cfm stock
The valve is tulip , big.
1.88 j is 160cc. 215 cfm stock
This head is150cc with a 1.9 valve. 240's
155 cc 2.02 j 228cfm vs 150cc 1.9 240's
I guess if this was a 'comparing stock 50 year old piece of **** heads to these 3months of porting 302 heads" then these 302 heads would be mildly impressive.

I can't wait to see hyster and Baker's youtube videos showing everyone their talents... they can both put on their clown suits and honk each other's noses