Just found out about Al Young (and his world travelling satellite) . RIP.

As I was reminiscing about the article about "Smilin" Al Young, retired teacher and former drag racer who road tripped Europe in his 1973 Satellite Sebring Plus (Roadrunner tribute).

I just found out he passed away a few months ago on Dec. 11, 2022.
Remembering Al Young

Another brief history of his career.
Al's story always fascinated me as he was one of the very few (if not the only) Asian Drag racer in the 70's and that road trip to Europe he did awhile back makes me want to kind of do the same thing.
Al Young’s unlikely drag racing career

Sad to see him go, but he lead a good life doing what he loved most.
Man, I was hoping top see him do that road trip to Asia he was planning... RIP

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