David Vizard, Uncle Tony's garage, Unity motorsport. Mission impossible Dodge 302 Head porting

He definitely knows something you don't AND he has done it while you have merely dreamt of it.

I think you need address PRH post on the weight in that class. All you keep doing is repeating the same gibberish. I seriously believe you have feelings for John and would like to be his cupcake after all the double fisted twisters you're giving his quotes...
Doesn't fix your ignorance on making these heads flow.

One thing I had forgotten, which you have reminded me of.....

Don’t bother responding to anything hysteric posts........ especially if it has any hint of a negative connotation about 318’s and/or 302 heads.
Did you come here to whine about what David Vizard is doing with an irrelevant head too? The funniest **** is watching the haters come back over and over again to defend their stupidity and lack of knowledge. What did you post that was even remotely negative it its connotation? Its obvious to me that this thread by its very existence threatens certain posters here that fancy themselves as experts on what can be done but have been shown up as inadequate. THOSE tiny junk heads everyone says can't flow in the RIGHT HANDS obviously DO!