Is a 7.25 rear strong enough?

I wonder if you bought the brakes and backing plates,

Then the next day or two you bought the axles.

Then a day or two later the housing

Bee any cheaper?
nah, no love. they charge for everything... yes, even used brake pads. and then, you have the whole "warranty" debacle, and you're at the mercy of whatever the cashier classifies your parts as. and that's just difficult waters to navigate for such a paltry savings.

my back of the barroom napkin math showed scooping up an axle "complete" and then picking up loaded calipers and rotors from the vato-zone or flea-bay was the more economical play.

i considered picking up 3~4 and going full tilt boogie, figuring if i was shortening and moving spring perches on one, why not just keep the set up and bang out a few? maybe make a few doubloons on the b-side of it. but that just doesn't really pencil out with how cheap fickle buyers are now a days.