MODTOP Billys old Cudas

Well, it was cold and windy, and it was at a Chevrolet dealership, but it was a fund raiser for Shriners.
We took 2 cars and took 2 awards, 1 was top 20 and 1 was top 3 Mopar. I think they got them backwards the yellow MOD car got top 20 and it is much nicer then the red car but the red car with the top down does look good. Either way thank you for the help, the suggestions, the thumbs up's I did meet a guy with a nice poster board and a nicer green
70 road runner that was the number 1 Mopar hands down, I do not mind being beat by a car like he had NICE is not even close.

Thanks to all of yall again, it is good to feel like we back. your encouragement really helped me.

