New 318 build, just need some input.

Fuel should be atomized before the runners so I don't know about "drop out" in an atomized state when its already travelling. If we were talking about an old bread box tunnel ram that the fuel would puddle up in and explode that I would understand. When you port it actually takes down the imperfections and any flash or casting lumps while opening up the bore which in turn is a form of polishing I would think.

If only that were true. There are pressure differentials in the manifold that turn atomized fuel back to liquid, plus you have wall flow you have to deal with.

If you haven’t seen the Jon Kasse video with his finger in the tunnel ram go find and watch it.

Don’t grab the grinder until you spend some more time investigating and learning the physics of what’s going on in the intake tract (or what we know about it) as that will shorten up your learning curve a bunch.